Business Stuff, Girl Stuff

Getting Un-Stuck, Motivated & Moving Forward

(This post contains affiliate links and I do make a small commission at no extra cost to you, if you choose to purchase any of the books I suggest to get un-stuck in the post when you click on the links.  I appreciate and love you all!!)

So, I’ve been talking to a lot of my peers and most of us have been feeling the same way…Stuck.

So why do we feel stuck, unmotivated and uninspired?  We are mostly either 29 or have already turned 30.  We have careers in some field or another that is mostly unfulfilling,  We dreamed of glitz and glamour, full of vibrant color, finally getting out of school and striking it big in some grandiose job…only to find that a job is just that-a job.  Monotonous and boring, full of office politics and ass kissing.  Ugh. Stuck indeed.

Well as I have said in previous posts, I took a leap-I’m in the process of learning whether it was suicide or my best possible life (wanna read that, check out I Quit My Job Today).  (Stay tuned)  Friends have been asking what I do to stay focused. Stay motivated. How did you get unstuck?  Hmm…I try and do yoga as often as possible (Is once a month considered often? IDK. Shrugs.), I meditate (deep breathing a few minutes before my alarm actually goes off to ready myself with the argument of my son not going to school that day that is sure to ensue) and I educate myself.  I read-a lot.  I read science fiction/fantasy. I read romance (50 Shades anyone). I read business and motivation, I read biographies and autobiographies…I read read read.  From The Art of War and Great Expectations, to the entire Harry Potter Series I have taken in quite a bit of literature these last 29 years.  For anyone wanting to get unstuck and back on track I have comprised here a nice list of books (by no means everything I’ve read) to help you get unstuck.  I am super excited to share them with you and have even included direct links to Amazon for each book if you find it intriguing!  Ok, so here it goes, my Book List Starter Pack for Getting Un-Stuck, Finding Motivation, Inspiration and Moving Forward!!

Here is my fantastic list of book recommendations, I add to them regularly.

My books…every single book I suggest.  I own them and revisit them often.
  1. Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill– Napolean Hill was one of my first teachers.  This is a serious step by step manual on how to change your mind to change your life.  There are practical steps to using everything he talks about in this book and yes, you will have to (and want to!) make sure you have a notebook and PENCIL (just in case you change your mind) near at hand!
  2. Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki-I love have this book breaks down a lot of economical terms and puts them in ways people who aren’t studying Econ and Finance in 4th year college terms.  I can honestly say that I understood more about what my Econ 101 professor was talking about after I read this book.  Want even more info on real estate investing and starting a business?  There’s a whole series of books by Robert Kiyosaki and you can play the Rat Race Game online for free! 
  3. The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren-Want to take a more spiritual approach to life and purpose?  Well this book has got you covered.  All the questions that you may ask yourself often and more and then it guides you to help them answer those questions and dig deeper into your mind and figure it out. 
  4. The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene-When you feel small and lack confidence in yourself, people can tell.  How do you build confidence, not to be confused with arrogance.  How do you lead?  How do you get people to want to listen to what you have to say?  Well this is a great book to help you do just that and it gives clear direction as to how to not come off condescending and arrogant and all those negative traits you don’t want to pick up. 
  5. The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss-My go-to how-to guru!  I have a found a millennial who takes everything Napoleon Hill was talking about in Think and Grow Rich and apply most of the principals taught in that book to life in the 21st century.  Complete with challenges to help break you out of your shell and start living your best possible life! 
  6. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey-Picked up some bad habits like procrastination, laziness and unwillingness to think outside the box?  Well this book will help you re-calibrate and help get you out of that stuck mindset.  Let’s get motivated again! 
  7. The Mocha Manual by Kimberly Seals-Allers-This book has some great inspirational stories in it.  Think of it as Chicken Soup for the business woman’s soul. (Remember those Chicken Soup books?  I loved those!
  8. You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero– I sure am and so are you!  And Jen Sincero sure knows how to put the words together to make sure you feel that way once you’re done reading her book. Again, keep that paper and PENCIL nearby! 
  9. Nice Girls Don’t Get Rich by Lois P. Frankel, PhD-This book lets you know all the things you are doing with your money that probably should not be happening.  I know I was guilty in more than one thing in here (more than two or three even…smh)  but I have taken steps to correct that and have since come a long way.  I hope it helps you come out of the trenches and win too!  
  10. Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes-I just like her.  If you don’t know who she is but you like Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal or How To Get Away With Murder…she’s the writer and creator of all three shows.  She’s funny and shares her story of how she got to where she is.  A great motivational and inspirational read. 
  11. The One Minute Millionaire by Mark Victor Hansen & Robert G. Allen– This book is divided into two sections, it tells a story following a woman and her journey from her lowest point in life to he highest. Then you flip the book and it gives you the outline for you to follow yourself.  It’s an awesome story (I’m not going to spoil it for you!)  
  12. Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss– Tim Ferriss has comprised a whole lot of very interesting people and their insights and opinions and tips and tricks into one ENORMOUS book.  There is so much information from so many people on all the topics we all want to know about in one book, it’s hard to digest it all in one setting. (I didn’t, it took a while to read this one…I did it in sections)  A great read for all millennials. 

I have applied so much of what I have learned from the books to my life and I am so grateful to have stumbled across some and have been led to others that I just want to pay it forward to help everyone in their journey.  I wrote plan after revised business plan, changed my mind again and again about said plans (PENCIL) and have finally been BOLD enough to take a step to create my own wealth and impact the world (you like how I did that there, huh?) I hope this helps to get you un-stuck, motivated and moving forward (again).

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